Conspiracy theory: Latest news, analysis, video interviews, video reports

FAKE NEWS: People vaccinated against Covid cannot donate blood
FAKE NEWS: People vaccinated against Covid cannot donate blood

Japanese researchers say blood transfusions from people vaccinated against Covid should be banned, claim some Romanian conspiracy-peddling publications.

Cezar Manu
02 Apr 2024
DISINFORMATION: Easter Sunday has become Transgender Day
DISINFORMATION: Easter Sunday has become Transgender Day

US President Joe Biden declared Catholic Easter the International Transgender Day of Visibility, according to a disinformation narrative also picked up in Romania.

Cezar Manu
31 Mar 2024
FAKE NEWS: Electric cars are more polluting than the classic ones
FAKE NEWS: Electric cars are more polluting than the classic ones

Electric cars are more polluting than the classic ones, announces part of the Romanian press, citing a study that compares engine and tire emissions.

Cezar Manu
26 Mar 2024
FAKE NEWS: Writer arrested in Switzerland for manipulating public opinion
FAKE NEWS: Writer arrested in Switzerland for manipulating public opinion

A writer was arrested in Switzerland for manipulating public opinion, reads a false narrative picked up in Romania by a publication spreading xenophobic, racist and anti-Semitic themes.

Cezar Manu
19 Mar 2024
FAKE NEWS: The EU will ban repairs on vehicles older than 15 years
FAKE NEWS: The EU will ban repairs on vehicles older than 15 years

Vehicles older than 15 years will no longer be repaired, according to a false narrative picked up by a number of Romanian publications.

Cezar Manu
05 Mar 2024
FAKE NEWS: Canadian Christians will be condemned for quoting the Bible
FAKE NEWS: Canadian Christians will be condemned for quoting the Bible

A future law in Canada will lead to a new persecution of Christians, according to a Romanian publication citing a Canadian website well-known for promoting conspiracy theories

Cezar Manu
26 Feb 2024
DISINFORMATION: The EU deprives Romanians of their freedom of movement
DISINFORMATION: The EU deprives Romanians of their freedom of movement

Europeans’ freedom of movement will be restricted in the name of combating climate change, an MP with the far-right AUR party claims.

Cezar Manu
29 Jan 2024
FAKE NEWS: “Sudden death” is actually the effect of anti-COVID vaccination
FAKE NEWS: “Sudden death” is actually the effect of anti-COVID vaccination

To conceal the deaths caused by anti-COVID vaccines, the term “sudden death” was coined, says a well-known anti-vaxx publication.

Cezar Manu
22 Jan 2024
FAKE NEWS: mRNA vaccines cause physical disabilities in women
FAKE NEWS: mRNA vaccines cause physical disabilities in women

mRNA vaccines have caused an increase in cases of physical disability among American working women, according to a new conspiracy theory.

Cezar Manu
15 Jan 2024
FAKE NEWS: Alexander Soros was appointed cardinal of the Catholic Church
FAKE NEWS: Alexander Soros was appointed cardinal of the Catholic Church

A known conspiracy website claims Pope Francis appointed George Soros’s son cardinal, thus violating the canons of the Catholic Church.

Cezar Manu
10 Jan 2024
FAKE NEWS: The WHO wants to ban animal husbandry
FAKE NEWS: The WHO wants to ban animal husbandry

The World Health Organization has called for a ban on animal husbandry for the sake of protecting the planet, according to a website known for spreading conspiracy theories.

Cezar Manu
08 Jan 2024
Romania 2023: Top FAKE NEWS & DISINFORMATIONS debunked by Veridica
Romania 2023: Top FAKE NEWS & DISINFORMATIONS debunked by Veridica

The colonization of Romania, the war in Ukraine, conspiracy theories related to the "sanitary dictatorship" and climate change have been the favorite topics for most of the year’s false narratives.

Cezar Manu
28 Dec 2023
DISINFORMATION: Patriots, fined for calling for the observation of the Constitution
DISINFORMATION: Patriots, fined for calling for the observation of the Constitution

Patriots are punished by the justice system, which is a puppet in the hands of external forces, says a Romanian citizen known for his extremist actions and speeches against the Hungarian minority.

Cezar Manu
19 Dec 2023
FAKE NEWS: Measles vaccines for children are a biological weapon
FAKE NEWS: Measles vaccines for children are a biological weapon

Now that a measles epidemic was declared, children will be injected with a biological weapon, according to a narrative promoted by a well-known conspiracy peddling website.

Cezar Manu
15 Dec 2023
FAKE NEWS: Mammograms are destroying women’s health
FAKE NEWS: Mammograms are destroying women’s health

Through mammograms, occult forces aim to make women ill, according to a conspiracy theory resumed these days on social media.

Cezar Manu
06 Dec 2023
FAKE NEWS: WHO plans 10 years of pandemic
FAKE NEWS: WHO plans 10 years of pandemic

The world occult has planned to depopulate the planet in the coming years, according to a well-known conspiracy theorist, quoted by similar Romanian media.

Cezar Manu
16 Nov 2023
FAKE NEWS: The National Recovery and Resilience Plan will rob Romanians of their lands and gardens
FAKE NEWS: The National Recovery and Resilience Plan will rob Romanians of their lands and gardens

The New Zoning Code, imposed under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), will impact citizens’ right to property, according to a journalist who spreads fake news and advocates conspiracy theories.

Cezar Manu
10 Nov 2023
DISINFORMATION: Romania pledged to receive 3 million refugees from Israel
DISINFORMATION: Romania pledged to receive 3 million refugees from Israel

Under a 1999 secret treaty, Romania is bound to receive 3 million Jews in case Israel disappears as a state, a known anti-Semite publication writes.

Cezar Manu
24 Oct 2023
FAKE NEWS: The global cabal will trigger a water crisis to install a world government
FAKE NEWS: The global cabal will trigger a water crisis to install a world government

An artificially induced water crisis will lead to the installation of a world government due to the failure of vaccination and the climate change hoax, conspiracy theorists say.

Cezar Manu
12 Oct 2023
FAKE NEWS: The flu vaccine will be used to manipulate people
FAKE NEWS: The flu vaccine will be used to manipulate people

The flu vaccine contains elements of nanotechnology, which will be used to control the human being, says a gynecologist, known as a conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxxer.

Cezar Manu
03 Oct 2023
FAKE NEWS: Meat, dairy products and personal cars will be banned in Romania
FAKE NEWS: Meat, dairy products and personal cars will be banned in Romania

The consumption of meat and dairy as well as the right to own a car will be banned in Romania, according to a misinterpretation of the findings of an analysis on carbon gas emissions.

Cezar Manu
27 Sep 2023
FAKE NEWS: A group of researchers has created an artificial human
FAKE NEWS: A group of researchers has created an artificial human

Creating a human embryo model is the first step towards "manufacturing people", according to a false narrative also picked up by the Romania media.

Cezar Manu
12 Sep 2023
FAKE NEWS: Myocarditis-related deaths, linked to anti-COVID vaccination
FAKE NEWS: Myocarditis-related deaths, linked to anti-COVID vaccination

A study unrecognized by the medical community claims myocarditis, a disease that killed a large number of patients in the last two years, is tied to anti-COVID-19 vaccination.

Cezar Manu
23 Aug 2023
FAKE NEWS: The extreme heat, a normal phenomenon in Romania for this time of the year
FAKE NEWS: The extreme heat, a normal phenomenon in Romania for this time of the year

The heatwaves that have hit Romania in recent years are no surprise, according to a false narrative linked to global warming.

Cezar Manu
26 Jul 2023
FAKE NEWS: The global cabal is preparing a perpetual pandemic
FAKE NEWS: The global cabal is preparing a perpetual pandemic

Mankind will be held “hostage” into a perpetual state of emergency introduced under the guise of fictional pandemics, according to a false narrative circulating in Romania.

Cezar Manu
13 Jul 2023
FAKE NEWS: We won’t be able to buy food without a digital passport
FAKE NEWS: We won’t be able to buy food without a digital passport

People without a digital identity will no longer have access to food, according to a false narrative also promoted in the Romanian media space.

Cezar Manu
20 Jun 2023

The global dictatorship will tighten by inducing and exploiting the fear of Artificial Intelligence, according to a false narrative circulating in the Romanian media.

Cezar Manu
16 Jun 2023
FAKE NEWS: The universal basic income, the next step towards enslaving mankind
FAKE NEWS: The universal basic income, the next step towards enslaving mankind

The introduction of the universal income is part of the global elites’ plan to subdue mankind, according to a false narrative promoted across Romanian media.

Cezar Manu
07 Jun 2023
FAKE NEWS: The authorities have started separating children from their families
FAKE NEWS: The authorities have started separating children from their families

The conspiracy theory according to which the authorities will separate Romanian children from their families is presented as the hidden purpose of a survey organized in the context of a testing addressing 8th-graders.

Cezar Manu
31 May 2023
DISINFORMATION: The Government wants to sell Romania and take away Romanians’ children
DISINFORMATION: The Government wants to sell Romania and take away Romanians’ children

Several draft laws currently on Parliament’s agenda are expected to take away Romanians’ children in order to finalize the process of “selling Romania” to occult Western forces that will implement the “globalist dictatorship”. These false narratives were promoted during an event organized by the extremist party AUR on May 6, as well as during a rally on May 10.

Cezar Manu
10 May 2023
FAKE NEWS: Romanians’ freedom of movement will be limited
FAKE NEWS: Romanians’ freedom of movement will be limited

Romanians will have their freedom of movement restricted in the name of combating climate change, according to a false narrative that pertains to climate denialism and global warming conspiracy theories.

Cezar Manu
07 Apr 2023
Those who caused the earthquake should pay! Senator Diana Sosoaca’s view of the tragedy that hit Turky and Syria
Those who caused the earthquake should pay! Senator Diana Sosoaca’s view of the tragedy that hit Turky and Syria

The earthquake in Turkey was caused by the “the world’s great powers” - i.e. Westerners - to punish the country's president, Recep Tayip Erdoğan, Senator Diana Sosoaca believes. She presented her theory on the very rostrum of the Senate, in a statement stuffed with conspiracy theories, fake history, narratives about the war in Ukraine reminiscent of Russian propaganda and a call to battle with references to the Old Testament.

Cezar Manu
15 Feb 2023