The flu vaccine contains elements of nanotechnology, which will be used to control the human being, says a gynecologist, known as a conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxxer.
Only God stands between man and the flu
NEWS: We are in a situation where we can no longer trust anybody but the good God and ourselves. We have to start from scratch and reevaluate everything. After three years in which we have been lied to, humiliated, both us and our children, and no one is held responsible for the Covid crimes, the "specialists" continue to recommend more and more vaccines, each greater than the other. Among these miracles of science, about which Fauci himself stated that it is not too clear how they work and that those used so far represent "a scientific and public health failure that must be addressed urgently", include the flu vaccine.
Since the flu vaccine is available for purchase in pharmacies, I bought one for the 2023/2024 season, which is said to contain inactivated surface antigens (hemagglutinin and neuraminidase) against four strains that circulated in the years... 2013, 2021 and 2022 (?!) and analyzed it under the microscope. I put a drop between the slides and looked through the microscope, using 4X to 40X lenses. Initially, nothing caught my attention. I put the sample in a box and forgot about it. Five days later, I re-examined it and I was surprised to notice the presence of some geometric structures resembling the images obtained under the optical microscope with 4x and 10x lenses for Pfizer's experimental products by foreign and Romanian researchers (images published in the book by Dr. Damian Baciu "Vaccines versus vaccines - The pitfalls of the messenger RNA product") as well as some arborescent images, better visible with the 20x and 40x lenses. [...]
On the 6th day, the top slide accidentally slipped off and I was surprised to find that, in addition to the crystallized geometric structures, a liquid remained on the slide that does not evaporate, probably the famous hydrogel that the persistent Romanian-born doctor Ana Mihalcea is intensively studying. In this hydrogel, the particles that form the spectacular geometric structures migrate and self-assemble. In the video you can see how the hydrogel reacts when touching the corner of the slide.
All these products seem to serve the desire of Klauss Schwab and others like him to control the human being at nano scale. We are under siege, but with faith and by watching carefully all that is happening around us, reacting and informing our peers, we will overcome these challenges. Let's not forget what father Justin Pârvu said to guide us through the years: "The satanic force of the world's rulers will be defeated by the gentleness and humility of the Christians. Their technique will dissipate like smoke, but Christian moral principles will not be destroyed."
NARRATIVE: Humanity will be kept under total control with the help of nanotechnology inoculated into the body through flu vaccines.
CONTEXT: Vaccines are medicinal products that aim to protect the body against infectious diseases, by "training" the immune system to recognize and quickly and efficiently eliminate the pathogens responsible for those diseases. The term was introduced into medicine by the English doctor Edward Jenner, in 1796, on the occasion of the discovery of the first vaccine, against smallpox, and soon after, the first anti-vax movements appeared.
Usually, the anti-vaccine ideology is forcibly associated with other rights, such as individual freedom or the fight against censorship. The anti-vaccine rhetoric uses their arguments by distorting them and adding personal considerations and alleged scientific data, taken out of context, erroneous or merely made up.
It gained momentum in the early 80s of the last century, with the scandal related to the (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis) DTP vaccine scandal , although research established that there was no connection between the neurological problems that anti-vaxxers accused and the DTP vaccine. The same scenario was later repeated for other vaccines, such as MMR (measles-mumps-rubella). The motivation behind the refusal to get vaccinated is mostly of a religious nature, but it is also influenced by anti-system ideas or interests in promoting alternative treatments from which a lot of money is made.
The author of the experiment in question is Geanina Hagîma, a primary obstetrician and gynecology physician at a hospital in Argeș. She stood out during the Covid19 pandemic, when she constantly challenged the measures imposed by the authorities, saying that the pandemic was orchestrated. She claimed that the disease was in fact artificially created, alleging an occult attempt to nullify civil liberties. Hagima claimed that the authorities knew from the very beginning that the virus could undergo mutations and that the vaccine would not be effective. As a result, the College of Physicians started a disciplinary investigation against her, for violating the law on health reform and the Code of Medical Ethics, which was finalized, however, without any sanction. Over time, the doctor from Argeş has also supported other conspiracy theories, such as the release into the atmosphere, by commercial airplanes, of some substances that are poisonous for humans.
PURPOSE: To undermine people’s trust in the authorities, to self-validate the conspiratorial discourse, to provoke and amplify social tension.
The scientific experiment, forgotten in a box
WHY THE NARRATIVE IS FALSE: The argument at the beginning of the material starts from the false premise that the American doctor Anthony Fauci would have recognized the "scientific and public health failure of vaccination", citing an article published by him in January 2023. In fact, Fauci's article does not claim that vaccines do not work; he says that the current vaccines for respiratory viruses don’t prevent all infections , but they do prevent the most serious symptoms. Through the published study, Fauci urged the scientific community to explore new approaches to make these vaccines more effective.
Hagîma admits that the initial microscopic study of the influenza vaccine did not raise any questions, and the result of the observation did not highlight anything suspicious. According to any rules of scientific rigor, returning to the study of the vaccine sample, left for five days "in a box" in unspecified environmental conditions, can no longer generate a valid result, and any subsequent conclusion is invalid, regardless of the language used and the references used as arguments. Doctor Damian Baciu, the author of the book that Geanina Hagima mentions, is a pediatrician also known for his position against the anti-Covid19 vaccine and the promotion of false information related to the health policy in place during the pandemic.
Hydrogel, which Hagima says is "the medium towards which the particles that form the spectacular geometric structures migrate and self-assemble", is actually a water-based polymer, biocompatible with the human body. Its use in vaccination is currently in the experimental phase . In principle, it works as a filter, which prevents the escape of viral particles through electrostatic interactions, but allows the passage of immune cells. A vaccine thus obtained is injected subcutaneously and then activates the body's immune reaction, protecting the subject from the serious effects of the disease. At this point, however, there is no evidence that vaccines contain hydrogel.
Moreover, the use of nanorobots in vaccines, which is currently impossible, would have huge costs, impossible to cover in any way from the selling price of a common flu vaccine. Some antiCovid19 vaccines do indeed use nanotechnology in the form of lipid nanoparticles that form a coating that protects the messenger RNA from the immune system, which could degrade it before it reaches the cell, but these cannot be controlled from a distance, as they are basically just ordinary microscopic pieces of fat.