Now that a measles epidemic was declared, children will be injected with a biological weapon, according to a narrative promoted by a well-known conspiracy peddling website.
Nanobots can’t be seen, but they can be felt
NEWS: In the context in which the Ministry of Health has declared a "measles epidemic" at national level, in order to have parents vaccinate their children aged 9 to 11 months, we want to draw the attention of parents to the aspects that they should take into account before blindly trusting what the authorities say. The disaster caused by the Covid "vaccines" cannot remain a lesson unlearned. In a recent article, reported by ActiveNews, the US doctor of Romanian origin Ana-Maria Mihalcea posted a series of videos analyzing the new vaccines for children against measles, mumps, rubella and chicken pox, vaccines that are administered to children at 9 months, 15 months and 6 years.
The research carried out by Dr. Mihalcea shows that these vaccines, in the new version, contain elements of nanotechnology, such as nanobots, quantum dots and self-assembling hydrogel, as can be seen in the videos posted on her blog. We do not know if the vaccines studied by the US doctor are similar to those in Romania, but it is advisable that the leaflets of those used in the European Union be read with the greatest attention by parents, considering the many adverse effects they have. The MMR vaccine for children is loaded with nanobots. They are so small that even at the maximum magnification I used I could barely see them, but they are clearly there. I tried going up to 4000x with my Oil lens, but I couldn't view them. I made a lot of videos and if you look at the whole documentation, it's a shocking thing. MMRV vaccine should be stored at -56F. Thawed, it looks just like the C19 bioweapon.”
NARRATIVE: The new measles vaccine is a biological weapon, aimed at injecting nanobots into children’s bodies, in order to manipulate them later
CONTEXT: On December 5, the Ministry of Health declared a measles epidemic at national level , following the increase in the number of cases (over 2,000, in almost all counties), as well as the large number of hospitalizations of infected children in the pediatric and infectious disease wards. According to official statements, the measure was taken to make it possible to vaccinate children between the ages of 9 and 11 months, as well as to immunize those not vaccinated or with an incomplete immunization status.
The authorities’ decision represented a good opportunity for the anti-vaxxer propaganda to resume conspiracy theories that present vaccines as weapons of the world occult, which aim either to depopulate the planet or to establish full control over humanity.
Ana Maria Mihalcea is an American doctor of Romanian origin, specializing, according to her own biography , in internal medicine and geriatrics, a follower of the beliefs that say that evil forces are secretly working to depopulate the planet, enslave the remaining population and transform “God’s creation into something satanic, very bad”. (from min. 2:20).
She is the author of a book, Light Medicine, defined as "the science of connecting light and spirit with health and longevity in the human body." In the book, Mihalcea approaches a series of extremely specific disciplines (biophysics, genetics, quantum physics, biochemistry, neurology) from the position of the expert, combining them to draw conclusions in an esoteric rather than scientific way. For Mihalcea, man is a divine spiritual being incarnated in a physical body, and healings following medical treatments are modern miracles. Although she states that the light medicine is a new science, it does nothing more than say, in other words, what holistic medicine, the New Germanic Medicine, and in general all pseudosciences that assume the term "medicine" in their name also say, and namely that diseases are caused by thoughts and emotions, not by viruses, bacteria, etc. In addition, Ana Maria Mihalcea is also a member of the board of the National American Renaissance Movement , an NGO whose main goal is the fight against the world occult, which she sees embodied in the World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum. Moreover, her "studies" are only published or cited by well-known conspiracy propaganda publications and sites, such as Info Wars or The Expose, in addition to her own social media posts or self-publishing platforms, such as Substack.
PURPOSE: To undermine people’s trust in the authorities, to self-validate the conspiratorial discourse, to provoke and amplify social tensions.
Naturally self-assembled proteins are not robots
WHY THE NARRATIVE IS FALSE: This is not the first measles epidemic in Romania. In September 2016, the authorities declared a measles epidemic for only 675 cases reported in the first 9 months of the year, the current number being almost three times higher. Due to the constant decrease in the vaccination rate, Romania is considered an area with a high risk of measles (a status that has unfortunately been fully confirmed by now), and the recommendations of the health authorities, according to which children should be vaccinated at the age of 9 months, were already in force. Their motivation is found in the fact that, in 2016, 3 deaths were recorded in children under 1 year old, i.e. below the vaccination age. Unfortunately, this year too, a 7-month baby died of measles, after coming into contact with his 3-year-old brother, who was infected and not vaccinated against measles. The current wish of the Ministry of Health to "hurry up" the vaccination of children is only part of this path already started. Moreover, the exceptional measure of vaccinating children aged 9 months is provided for in the MMR Vaccination Procedure , a document in force since 2019.
Unlike the USA, where children are immunized with a quadrivalent vaccine (against measles, mumps, rubella and chicken pox), in Romania immunization is done by vaccination with a trivalent vaccine (against measles, mumps and rubella), and immunization against chicken pox is done separately, with another vaccine, which is not included in the free scheme provided by the national medical procedures. Ana Mihalcea's presentation starts from the hypothesis that MMR vaccines (MMRV, in the case of the USA), currently administered, contain completely different substances than those of the past. The assumption is completely false, as the MMR vaccine has basically had the same formula since it was approved for human use in 1971 until today. This fact was confirmed, through statements to the PRESShub publication, by the University Professor Emilian Popovici PhD, Vice-president of the Romanian Society of Epidemiology: "this vaccine has been around for a very long time, it’s been well-studied, verified and extra verified. I have heard absolutely nothing about this vaccine and believe me I read enough literature. I have heard absolutely nothing in recent years about things that have changed or that some problems have arisen related to this vaccination".
As regards the "nanobots, quantum dots and self-assembling hydrogel" that Ana Mihalcea cannot visualize, "but they are clearly there", the discussion is extremely broad, but a summary of the absurdity of these theories on the border between fairy tale and science fiction literature was made by the well-known physicist Cristian Presură, in an interview on Hotnews. He explains the impossibility of the existence of artificial devices of microscopic sizes that control the human body. From the perspective of the technical parameters they should have, sensors, long-lasting batteries and powerful antennas to transmit and receive signals over long distances, the dimensions of such devices can only be reduced to centimeters, and their introduction into body through a syringe needle is obviously impossible.
In order to "control" people, says the physicist, it is necessary for such microchips to be inserted directly into the brain. But at this point, the neural structure and code used by the brain to create one thought or another is little or not at all known to scientists. In addition, the brain has almost a hundred billion neurons that should be individually "controlled".
As for quantum dots, we are again dealing with ignorance or willful disinformation. The use of these nanometer-sized devices in vaccines is currently in the experimental phase, and only in animals. In addition, their role in medicine has nothing to do with attempts to create self-assembled devices, but with the banal desire that doctors and scientists have to precisely monitor the dynamics of vaccines in space and time in order to increase their effectiveness.
Also, quantum dots could act as indicators of the presence of the vaccine in the body, to avoid unnecessary double vaccination or not respecting the intervals between two doses of the vaccine, as Cristian Presură also explained in the interview mentioned above. In theory, quantum dots are encapsulated in biocompatible spheres, about 20 micrometers in diameter. Injected with the vaccine, they form a specific pattern that remains in place for years and weakly emits infrared light. In this way, specialists can detect the presence of the vaccine and more effectively analyze its evolution, as well as the immune response it generates in the body. Currently, there are a small number of clinical trials related to the use of quantum dots , and researchers say that much more research effort is still needed before they can be used in biomedical applications in humans.
Hydrogels are cross-linked polymer chains with three-dimensional network structures that can absorb relatively large amounts of fluid. Due to the high water content, soft structure and porosity of hydrogels, they closely resemble living tissues. Hydrogels are used in various fields such as agriculture, biomaterials production, food industry, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. In all these fields, however, they are used as a working environment, and not as agents of action, as Dr. Mihalcea suggests.
Probably, the “self-assembling” nano structures that Ana Mihalcea observes under the microscope are nothing but proteins that self-assemble naturally. They are used in messenger RNA vaccines to form nanoparticles containing high-precision immunogens, which favor the appearance of better "specialized" antibodies, while limiting their quantity so as not to overload the body. At the same time, it is possible that the observed nano-structures are nothing more than microscopic blood clots , according to the American oncologist David Gorski.
Another false information provided by Ana Mihalcea is related to the storage temperature of the MMR and MMRV vaccines which, although in the whole argumentation may seem irrelevant, again reflects ignorance or the intention to mislead the public. The MMRV vaccine must not be stored at -56F, which is almost -49 degrees Celsius, but only at -15, and the MMR vaccine is stored at temperatures of 2-8 degrees Celsius , even with the express indication "do not freeze". Under these conditions, its transformation into a "C19 bioweapon after thawing" becomes practically impossible.