FAKE NEWS: Vaccines have caused a 74% increase in mortality rates

FAKE NEWS: Vaccines have caused a 74% increase in mortality rates
© EPA-EFE/ROBERT GHEMENT   |   A Romanian man gets a Pfizer vaccine dose from a volunteer nurse, Bucharest, Romania, 29 October 2021.

Anti-Covid vaccines are responsible for the huge and sudden increase “sudden deaths” and serious illness, a conspiracy publication claims.

NEWS: A study blocked by censorship confirms that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are responsible for the huge and sudden increase in deaths and cases of fatal illness. The study has finally been published in a peer-reviewed medical journal, after several attempts to censor it in every way, to prevent its dangerous conclusions from reaching the public, SlayNews writes.

The critical study revealed that, according to autopsy findings, Covid mRNA injections contributed to an overwhelming extent (a shocking 73.9%) to the increase in (all-cause) mortality rates at global level. The team that conducted the study comprised America’s most prominent oncologists, cardiologists, physicians and scientists, including Nicolas Hulscher, Paul E. Alexander, Richard Amerling, Heather Gessling, Roger Hodkinson, William Makis, Harvey A. Risch, Mark Trozzi, or Peter A. McCullough.

The study concludes that 73.9% of deaths were “directly or to a significant degree” caused by Covid mRNA shots. Autopsy data revealed a direct link “between COVID-19 vaccination and death”, the study says.

NARRATIVE: Anti-Covid vaccines have increased the global mortality rate by almost 75%.

Personal opinions do not represent scientific research

WHY THE NARRATIVE IS FALSE: From the outset, we must recall that medical studies, reviewed and accepted by the international scientific community, show that anti-Covid vaccines do not increase the risk of death. On the contrary, they significantly lower it, especially among categories at higher risk of contracting severe forms of the disease. Even if vaccines are sometimes associated with potentially serious side effects, the risk remains extremely low compared to the benefits of vaccination.

Cited by Activenews, the study was not published on the website of the scientific journal The Lancet, as anti-vaxx activists claim. In fact, a preprint version of the study, that is, the version that was not reviewed or validated by other independent researchers, was uploaded to a server linked to the publication. On the said webpage, it is emphasized as clearly as possible that “Preprints available here are not Lancet publications or necessarily under review with a Lancet journal. These preprints are early-stage research papers that have not been peer-reviewed. The findings should not be used for clinical or public health decision making”. In fact, the study was later removed from the server, with The Lancet editorial staff motivating their decision, arguing fact that the methodology used to establish a causal relationship between vaccines and death did not take into account other factors that influence mortality risks, such as age or pre-existing health conditions.

In addition, the study used the authors’ biased opinions as scientific arguments, unsupported by impartial, observable and measurable evidence. Moreover, the list of authors includes several names well-known for spreading misinformation about Covid in the past, and who have published other false studies about the deadly effects of anti-Covid vaccines, using the same methods lacking any real scientific support. Among them is Peter McCullough, the doctor whose false claims about the Covid pandemic and mRNA vaccines led the American Board of Internal Medicine to withdraw his membership, on grounds of professional misconduct. In March 2021, McCullough appeared before a Texas state senatorial committee to defend himself against charges of spreading false information. Furthermore, five of the nine authors of the review are affiliated to Wellness, a company that sells supplements that “offer protection against injuries from COVID”.

The study itself attempts to identify “potential causal relationships between COVID vaccination and death”. To that end, the authors reviewed several studies that centralized autopsy reports on people who died after being administered an anti-COVID jab. They identified 134 such studies, but considered only 44 of them relevant for their research, comprising a total of 325 autopsies. The elimination of two-thirds of the studies analyzed was done without clearly stating the reasons behind the decision, given that the inclusion or exclusion of such a large number of studies could greatly alter the results and, therefore, should not be done without scientific justification. The only reason provided was that “all autopsy reports that include anti-COVID vaccines among the possible causes of death” were selected, namely the very conclusion that the research study should have reached independently.

Based on the information thus made available, analyzed by only three of the nine doctors, the study concluded that 73.9% (240) of the deaths, that is, those reported within a week of vaccination, were caused by “fatal vaccine injury syndrome”. The term is not part of standard medical terminology and is used only by anti-vaccine groups to refer to adverse events without a proven causal link to vaccination, such as sudden deaths or cancer. In conclusion, the fact that a person dies after anti-COVID vaccination is not enough in itself to draw conclusions about the safety of vaccines. The reason is that, although a temporal association between vaccination and mortality is necessary to demonstrate causality, the reason is not sufficient in itself. Any meaningful conclusion should at least compare the findings from the autopsies of vaccinated people with a control group of unvaccinated people, which does not appear to have been done by the study in question. Instead, the conclusions focus on the alleged harmful effects of vaccines, which the authors of the study have been talking about since their development, without unbiased evidence.

Despite the conspiracy theorists’ claims, the study was not censored by the “global cabal”. After being banned on the platform associated with The Lancet, the paper was published on a similar platform, Zenodo, where it gathered nearly 180,000 views and was downloaded nearly 133,000. But, just like The Lancet, Zenodo also states from the outset that “the papers are not peer-reviewed by Zenodo, and must be regarded as preliminary until peer-reviewed by multiple experts in the field. Thus, it should not be regarded as conclusive, or be reported in news media as established information, as the main claims may not stand the test of scientific scrutiny”.

The fight against the global cabal never stops

BACKGROUND: False narratives regarding the effectiveness and effects of vaccination have been circulating in Romania for many years, but they have become much more visible with the development of anti-Covid vaccines. False narratives regarding the pandemic and vaccines have several sources. One of them is Russia, which aims to destabilize Western societies. At the same time, however, there are a lot of Western publications and “influencers”, usually from the radical right and conspiracy theorists, who are equal sources of disinformation. These are taken over and spread by other “influencers” or local publications, reaching an audience sensitive to such narratives and disinformation - coronasceptics, anti-vaxxers, people who mistrust the authorities, etc. In many countries, full-fledged anti-vaccine movements have emerged, strongly influenced by some of these narratives, which they take over, internalize and amplify.

In Romania, several conservative publications have taken up these false narratives and have sought, over the years, to legitimize their anti-vaccination theories through pseudo-experts, anonymous websites or by falsely citing various studies. Veridica has already debunked several fake news and disinformation narratives regarding anti-Covid vaccines, which allegedly induce sterility across three generations and mental illness, they reduce men's lives by 24 years, or cause physical disabilities, testicular cancer and myocarditis, leading to the death of people who’ve taken the jab.

Moreover, conspiracy theories related to health are increasingly present in the Romanian media space, where there is more and more talk about the existence of a Global Cabal whose aim is to reduce the population of the planet  and/or control it completely. They are promoted by various publications or figures from the ultra-religious conservative spectrum, but they are also used by politicians, for electoral purposes, or people known for sympathizing with Russia and its foreign policy. According to these conspiracy theorists, the population is currently made ill both through “forced feeding”, as the global cabal instructed, and by almost any medical intervention, in order to exercise control over the thoughts and movements of those affected. At the same time, conspiracy theorists claim that, from now on, humanity will constantly be faced with made-up pandemics  that, on the one hand, will kill most people, and on the other, will suppress the individual rights and freedoms of those left alive.

PURPOSE: To undermine the population's trust in the authorities, to promote anti-Western rhetoric, to validate previously exposed conspiracy theories, to stir and amplify social unrest.         

  • Publication / Media:
  • Date of publication:
  • Target audience:
    Conspiracists, anti-vaxxers, coronasceptics, sovereigntists, nationalists, anti-Western and anti-European readers
  • Amplification:
  • Key narrative:
    Anti-COVID vaccines are responsible for the majority of excess fatalities in recent years.
Fake News

Disinformation uses a variety of manipulation tactics. Disinformation stories can easily be created by combining provocative topics.

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