Pandemic: Latest news, analysis, video interviews, video reports

FAKE NEWS: Vaccines have caused a 74% increase in mortality rates

Anti-Covid vaccines are responsible for the huge and sudden increase “sudden deaths” and serious illness, a conspiracy publication claims.

Cezar Manu
27 Nov 2024
FAKE NEWS: Mark Zuckerberg knew that anti-Covid vaccines are harmful

The Meta leadership knew about the negative effects of the anti-Covid vaccines and concealed the truth, conspiracy theorists claim.

Cezar Manu
02 Sep 2024
FAKE NEWS: Saharan dust is an artificial poisonous powder

The clouds of Saharan dust that reached Romania these days are a synthetic product designed to poison the population, a well-known conspiracy website writes.

Cezar Manu
29 Apr 2024
The Great Healthcare Reset

Fewer and fewer Romanians are getting vaccinated, a trend that gained momentum during the Covid-19 pandemic. The phenomenon is related to conspiracy theories regarding the population being made sick intentionally.

Cezar Manu
08 Apr 2024
FAKE NEWS: People vaccinated against Covid cannot donate blood

Japanese researchers say blood transfusions from people vaccinated against Covid should be banned, claim some Romanian conspiracy-peddling publications.

Cezar Manu
02 Apr 2024
FAKE NEWS: WHO plans 10 years of pandemic

The world occult has planned to depopulate the planet in the coming years, according to a well-known conspiracy theorist, quoted by similar Romanian media.

Cezar Manu
16 Nov 2023
FAKE NEWS: Covid-19 vaccines cause mental illness

Insomnia, depression and anxiety are among the effects of the Covid19 vaccines, claim the latest anti-vaccine theories, also promoted in Romania.

Cezar Manu
17 Oct 2023
FAKE NEWS: The global cabal will trigger a water crisis to install a world government

An artificially induced water crisis will lead to the installation of a world government due to the failure of vaccination and the climate change hoax, conspiracy theorists say.

Cezar Manu
12 Oct 2023
FAKE NEWS: Anti-COVID-19 vaccines reduce life expectancy in men by 24 years

The life expectancy of men who’ve taken the anti-COVID-19 shot has diminished, according to a false narrative quoting an American study with a completely different focus of research.

Cezar Manu
19 Sep 2023
FAKE NEWS: Judge sentenced for opposing the health dictatorship

The German Government, subservient to the world occult, has violated the principle of separation of powers, according to a well-known conspiracy website.

Cezar Manu
30 Aug 2023
FAKE NEWS: The global cabal is preparing a perpetual pandemic

Mankind will be held “hostage” into a perpetual state of emergency introduced under the guise of fictional pandemics, according to a false narrative circulating in Romania.

Cezar Manu
13 Jul 2023
The “new normal”: the pandemic and the war

The war in Ukraine is but the latest conflict at the start of a century that turned out to be rather impetuous, from the Middle East and Africa to the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Far East. It broke out just as mankind breathed a sigh of relief, acting as if the (coronavirus) pandemic was over, while others fear the new pandemic is already here. Will wars and pandemics become the “new normal” for the human race?

DISINFORMATION: Lockdowns are ineffective

A new study is being used in support of an old narrative: that lockdowns are ineffective. However, both the arguments and the authors of the study are controversial.

1885: Un muncitor este vaccinat cu forța la Montreal, în timpul epidemiei de variolă
Manipulation that we like. Or conspirativitis as a rational reaction to functional illiteracy

With only 20-30% of the population determined to get vaccinated against Covid at first call, Romania is at the bottom of the ranking, alongside France, a vaccine-skeptical country by tradition (and proud of it). We are tempted to blame domestic and foreign propaganda, the influence of the church or the manipulation of political leaders with personal agendas. But we too easily ignore the structural conditions that make us vulnerable not only to anti-vaccination campaigns, but in general to the understanding of a growing number of complicated phenomena, which, because of modernity and the Internet, come upon us in real time, leaving us no space to breathe.