FAKE NEWS: Big Pharma keeps a cancer treatment secret 

FAKE NEWS: Big Pharma keeps a cancer treatment secret 
© solidnews.ro  

According to a well-known pro-Russian conspiracy website, Big Pharma is making humanity sick while denying them access to cancer treatments.

The apricot, the forbidden fruit of the present

NEWS: "[...] journalist Bogdan Comaroni has exposed the food industry and Big Pharma, which are working together to create a deficiency of nutrients and minerals in the human body, precisely to create the conditions for filling it with artificial drugs and treatments. This is how a vicious circle is created, and the sick become more and more dependent on the drugs, paying for their own slow death. All the diets proposed these days, by age, do nothing but deepen the pockets of Big Pharma and make the human body even sicker. [...]

Extremely important studies are currently being conducted on amygdalin and its effects in preventing the spread of cancer cells, but they are being kept secret. The highest amount of amygdalin is found in apricot seeds. In general, very bitter seeds contain amygdalin. There are Asian or Middle Eastern peoples who consume apricots in various forms and who have completely got rid of cancer and even have an average life span of over 100 years. There have been studies where terminally ill patients were found to be cured of cancer if they were injected with concentrated amygdalin. More recently it has been discovered that the chemical chain of amygdalin contains a very strong cyanide, which, when in contact with cancer cells, annihilates them.

The plan behind the scenes is to change the parameters in such a way as to redefine the idea of ​​pandemic and disease and to be able to declare a pandemic of…anything. People’s food and lives will be controlled by imposing food quotas with the help of technology, established on the basis of analyzes interpreted in relation to the new parameters of cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure and others. Lying that they want the good of the population, the elites will control people through health, through social credits, through the digitization of individual identity. Little by little, the freedom of the citizens is curtailed and the world we live in is turning into a subtle prison."

NARRATIVE: 1. Amygdalin can cure various forms of cancer. 2. The World Cabal will control mankind through food and medicine.

CONTEXT: Conspiracy theories related to health are increasingly present in the Romanian media space, and announce the existence of a global occult plan, meant to reduce the planet’s population  and/or control it completely. They are promoted by various publications or figures from the ultra-religious conservative area, but they are also taken over and capitalized on by politicians, for electoral purposes, or people known to be close to Russia and its foreign policy. According to conspiracy mongers, currently, people are made sick by “forcing them to follow a certain diet”, as planned under the new world order, and also by means of almost any medical intervention, in order to exercise control over the thoughts and movements of those affected. At the same time, conspiracy theorists claim that, from now on, humanity will constantly be faced with  made-up pandemics  that, on the one hand, will kill most people, and on the other, will suppress the individual rights and freedoms of those left alive.

Solidnews and its affiliated radio station, Gold FM -  sanctioned by the National Audiovisual Council for spreading false information  - are associated with Cozmin Gușa, a controversial politician/analyst/consultant/businessman, described by the Romanian media as one of Russia’s sympathizers/ agents of influence. Over time, the two media entities have spread several false narratives and disinformation related to the covid19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine , accusing the collective West of being the real enemy of European peace. At the same time, the website regularly publishes the opinions of propagandists and promoters of Russian narratives, such as Adrian Severin or Dan Diaconu, who claim that the US is dictating Bucharest’s policy  and forcibly pushing Romania towards a war with Russia, which in turn is presented as a victim of NATO and a  defender of democracy  and European moral values.

PURPOSE:  To promote the sovereignist and anti-Western discourse, to provoke and amplify social tensions, to weaken trust in international institutions and bodies such as the EU, the UN or WHO, to validate one's own conspiracy theories.

Amygdalin is not a vitamin and is toxic

WHY THE NARRATIVE IS FALSE: Amygdalin is a compound found in the pits or seeds of apricots, apples, peaches, plums, red cherries, etc. A compound containing partially pure amygdalin, known as Laetrile, was synthesized in the 1950s and became a popular alternative cancer treatment in the 1960s and 1970s. Showing almost  zero efficacy , the product was banned and has been unavailable in the US and Europe since the early 80s.

Contrary to what the article claims, in the specialized literature there are  countless studies related to amygdalin , which could not highlight any decisive effect against cancer. Amygdalin is also known as "vitamin B17", but it is important to note that the term is scientifically incorrect and misleading, since the compound in question is not recognized by the scientific and medical community as a vitamin. Over time, amygdalin has been associated with many controversies and is not considered an effective treatment against cancer or other ailments, as claimed by proponents of alternative medicine. Moreover, most websites or magazines promoting amygdalin as a cancer treatment base their claims on personal opinions and stories, unsupported by any scientific evidence generated by controlled clinical trials.

In fact, the use of amygdalin can present significant risks, most often through cyanide poisoning. Amygdalin is a cyanogenetic glycoside, which means that its molecule includes a cyan group, the anion of hydrocyanic acid. Once in the stomach, under the action of gastric acid, cyanogenetic glycosides release the cyan group, which, in large doses, can cause serious health problems or even death. For this reason, the medical community recommends avoiding or cautiously administering amygdalin for therapeutic purposes.

The statement that "there are people who consume apricots and have completely got rid of cancer" is as false as it is ridiculous. Indeed, over the years, several stories have circulated of entire populations immune to any disease, such as that of the Hunza Valley , a region of Pakistan, or communities in Nigeria, Uganda, and Kenya (none of which are located in Asia or the Middle East) who have not experienced cancer because they consume apricot seeds that "kill cancer cells", but they were proven false decades ago. A study published on February 15, 1980 cites the observations and conclusions of a Japanese expedition to the Hunza Valley, which found that the local population was malnourished and suffering from a variety of diseases, including cancer, with Japanese researchers documenting at least ten tumors in people in the region. Similarly, in 1962 and 1963, several articles published in the "British Journal of Cancer" highlighted the presence of several forms of cancer among the populations of Nigeria, Uganda and Kenya, following the study of the medical archives of the respective states.

As for the occult plan to control humanity through food and medicine, the narrative has been debunked by Veridica many times, proving that digital identity does not mean total control  of the population, and people will be able to buy food, even without a digital passport.  At the same time, we have shown that vaccines are not a biological weapon, nor will they facilitate  the manipulation of humanity through nanotechnology.  Also, we have demonstrated that anti-covid vaccines do not cause disabilities,   do not reduce life expectancy , nor do they cause  mental illness or testicular cancer.

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