“Turbo cancers” caused by anti-Covid vaccination can be cured with ivermectin, but Big Pharma is keeping this information secret and wants to eliminate anyone telling the truth.
The WHO is forcing states to report new cases of monkeypox, in order to declare a new pandemic, MEP Gheorghe Piperea claims.
The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that anti-Covid vaccines are not vaccines, claims a narrative picked up by Romanian conspiracy theorists.
The new Pandemic Treaty will empower the WHO with unlimited prerogatives, nullifying the sovereignty of states and the principle of self-determination, a pro-Russian extremist party claims.
One of the most recently developed conspiracy theories is the one about the “Great Reset”, whereby the “World Government” is purportedly seeking to establish a totalitarian regime on a global scale.
Russian propaganda, alongside politicians, publicists and clerics from the Republic of Moldova, has been promoting for years narratives regarding the threats to the identity and even the existence of Moldova and Moldovans.
Fewer and fewer Romanians are getting vaccinated, a trend that gained momentum during the Covid-19 pandemic. The phenomenon is related to conspiracy theories regarding the population being made sick intentionally.
Japanese researchers say blood transfusions from people vaccinated against Covid should be banned, claim some Romanian conspiracy-peddling publications.
According to a well-known website that propagates conspiracy theories, people who are not vaccinated against Covid get contaminated by the spike protein in the vaccinated ones, through the phenomenon known as shedding.
To conceal the deaths caused by anti-COVID vaccines, the term “sudden death” was coined, says a well-known anti-vaxx publication.
The colonization of Romania, the war in Ukraine, conspiracy theories related to the "sanitary dictatorship" and climate change have been the favorite topics for most of the year’s false narratives.
The world occult has planned to depopulate the planet in the coming years, according to a well-known conspiracy theorist, quoted by similar Romanian media.
Insomnia, depression and anxiety are among the effects of the Covid19 vaccines, claim the latest anti-vaccine theories, also promoted in Romania.
The German Government, subservient to the world occult, has violated the principle of separation of powers, according to a well-known conspiracy website.
A study unrecognized by the medical community claims myocarditis, a disease that killed a large number of patients in the last two years, is tied to anti-COVID-19 vaccination.
Mankind will be held “hostage” into a perpetual state of emergency introduced under the guise of fictional pandemics, according to a false narrative circulating in Romania.
Vaccination against COVID-19 is the cause of death of an 18-year-old basketball player from the National Women's Basketball League of Romania, according to an online publication that has promoted numerous false narratives about the coronavirus. The article was published before the cause of death was established and it was not known whether the young woman had been vaccinated or not.
Romanians' data on health, birth and mortality could reach the World Health Organization (WHO), which will use them for obscure purposes, according to a false narrative promoted in Romania by the controversial Josefina Pascal. The narrative takes elements from the conspiracy theory of the “Great Reset”.
The aging population is the target of a far-reaching extermination effort by cutting it off from the rest of the population, exposing it to the risk of COVID infection and injecting it with “killer vaccines”. Published in Romania, this fake news is a carry-over of older narratives, including some disseminated in Russia and China, and builds on a more recent conspiracy theory: the Great Reset.
After several strong fake news waves in recent years, antivax sentiments are gaining momentum and cause fears even in the non-conspirative thinkers.
Conspiracy theories seem to have gained fresh impetus these days, being often used as part of disinformation campaigns. Their latest champions representatives of the media, the political class and the Church, and this gives a credibility boost and false legitimacy to these theories.
With only 20-30% of the population determined to get vaccinated against Covid at first call, Romania is at the bottom of the ranking, alongside France, a vaccine-skeptical country by tradition (and proud of it). We are tempted to blame domestic and foreign propaganda, the influence of the church or the manipulation of political leaders with personal agendas. But we too easily ignore the structural conditions that make us vulnerable not only to anti-vaccination campaigns, but in general to the understanding of a growing number of complicated phenomena, which, because of modernity and the Internet, come upon us in real time, leaving us no space to breathe.
Criticism of TVR's slips in the New Year's Eve program is categorized as an attempt to censor those who make fun of Klaus Iohannis.