Russian soldiers have identified and destroyed 13 labs in Ukraine where biological weapons were being produced. According to these narratives, Russia must bomb the Ukrainian cities ‘in order to save humanity.”
NEWS: “There have been many attempts to turn Ukraine into a shooting ground for the US’s military and biological experiments […] The Ukrainian Health Ministry signed with the Pentagon a number of agreements on research into genetically modified products. In reality, according to “Bloknot”, dangerous products and methods of mass distribution of such products were studied”, news.nashbryansk.ru. reads.
“Russian soldiers found in Ukraine 30 labs where biological weapons were being produced, said the head of the Radioactive, Chemical and Biological Defense Committee of the Armed Forces, Igor Kirilov”, RIA Novosti reports, stating that they were projects funded by the US to produce humanitarian disasters.
“Russia had to bombard the 13 labs in order not to allow Ukraine to be turned into another Wuhan”, according to the Youtube channel “America Naiznanku”, which says that Moscow will continue to save humanity from such threats posed by the West.
NARRATIVE: Russia is bombarding Ukrainian cities in order to destroy the bioweapons labs and save humanity
WHY IS THE NARRATIVE FALSE: There were no bioweapon labs in Ukraine, funded by the Western states. In 2007, Ukraine joined the Convention on the nonproliferation of biological weapons. However, in the past years, the Russian media has kept warning the public opinion in the post-Soviet states about American – Ukrainian bio research projects. The agreement between Ukraine and the Us in this field is presented by the Russia media as an element in the production of bioweapons. In reality, such collaboration agreements exist also with other post-Soviet countries, and until 2012, the USA even collaborated with Russia in this field. Moscow does not provide any evidence that such bioweapon labs really existed in Ukraine, but uses the need to destroy them as a justification for its attacks on Ukrainian cities and the Snake Island.
In fact, in the first days of the Russian – Ukrainian war, Moscow attacked airports, military centers and critical infrastructure, not the “underground labs”. The foreign reporters in Ukraine have reported daily on bombardments and attacks on civilian infrastructure. Schools, kindergartens have been destroyed, and women and children killed.
The purpose of this propaganda narrative is to present Russia as the savior of humanity and to justify its aggressive actions against Ukraine as necessary measure to destroy the laboratories for the production of biological weapons, which are just an invention of the Russian propaganda.