According to local conspiracy theorists, the floods in eastern Romania were caused by the Jews, so that they could settle in the region, replacing the Romanians.
NEWS: "Today, in Galați! This is after the Jews’ servants passed by - Simion and Ciolacu - to set up the plan, after making sure of the destruction! You also saw Jews in Bacău at the airport the other day, right after the floods!
They caused the floods in the key areas in order to depopulate the regions inhabited by Romanians and bring the Jews instead, with their new constructions! And the poor Romanians are "rebuilding" their houses in other places, in the fields! Do you see how "caring" and helpful your patriots are? The "Simion Plan" is working!"
NARRATIVES: 1. The Jewish cabal caused the floods in eastern Romania. 2. There is an occult plan to populate Romania with Jewish immigrants, who will replace the inhabitants of certain regions. 3. While the Romanians affected by the natural catastrophe were suffering, the Jews were celebrating in Galați.
Extreme weather phenomena are natural, not artificially induced
WHY THE NARRATIVES ARE FALSE: The year 2024 has been marked by severe flooding across the European continent since spring, when, in mid April, due to much faster snowmelt than in other years, the waters of the Ural river overflowed, strongly affecting Russia and Kazakhstan. At the time of the disaster, Russian authorities were warning that water levels had risen, in some areas, faster than at any time in the last hundred years, and in Kazakhstan, President Qasym-Jomart Toqaev said the flooding was the country's worst natural disaster in 80 years, in terms of scope and impact. At the end of May, heavy floods hit the north of Italy , killing three Romanian citizens among others, but storms and floods also affected the Western Balkans , wreaking havoc and causing immense material damage in Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia.
With the arrival of autumn, floods and extreme weather affected the whole of Central and Eastern Europe , with violent manifestations not only in Romania, but also in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and Austria. The floods caused by the heavy rains destroyed entire towns in these countries and caused the death of twenty-two people in Bosnia, five in the Czech Republic, five in Austria, seven in Poland, and seven in Romania.
The theory that the extreme phenomena listed above have been artificially created is nonsense, as is the theory that earthquakes can be caused by the HAARP system or other secret technologies. It is true that at present there are technologies that can induce artificial rain, but they are used to eliminate or mitigate drought on agricultural land, to increase water reserves for irrigation or ensure water supply, or to raise the level of artificial lakes for the generation of electricity. The rains thus generated do not produce large amounts of water and cannot cause the disasters that have hit Europe this year, and the years before. Even accepting the hypothesis that such technologies have been used, the manifestation of their effects over such big areas would certainly have produced an enormous amount of physical evidence, not just absurd theories and statements without any logical-scientific foundation. Moreover, the statement that the disasters targeted Romania exclusively is complete nonsense, with no rational basis whatsoever, a fact demonstrated by the sheer scale of extreme weather phenomena and their geographical spread.
The narrative about the existence of an occult plan to populate Romania with Jews has been promoted in the Romanian media space and has already been analyzed in the pages of Veridica; it was also commented on by the former foreign minister of Romania, Teodor Baconschi, who said that "It is completely unbelievable and absurd to imagine that a state - and even more so Israel - would sign an arrangement that has as its object an action after its own dissolution".
A Jewish holiday in Ukraine was "moved" to Romania
The video that accompanies the propaganda text is actually filmed in Ukraine, more precisely in the city of Uman in the Cherkasy region, in the center of the country. Every year, tens of thousands of Bratslav Hasidim Jews participate in the festivities dedicated to the celebration of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. They organize a pilgrimage to the grave of Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav, the founder of this branch of Judaism. The holiday lasts two days in a row during the autumn new moon, in September or October, and in 2024 it fell on October 2-4. The clip was taken from the TikTok account of a community member , a citizen and resident of Israel, who attended the event and posted several clips during the event.
The Romanian anti-Semites, in their turn, identified the original account of the post but paradoxically invaded the comments section with messages like "Look at them feeling good, while our Romanians in Galati are dying of hunger and cold", "I don't understand what they’re doing in Romania", "Now you see, good people, what our rulers are doing? Simion who builds houses for Jews? He wants to replace us. Wake up Romanians, they are kicking us out of our houses", etc., accusing the government and the extremist leader (!!) George Simion of a secret agreement with the State of Israel to bring Jews to Galati, the seat of the county most affected by the September floods. The funny thing is that the author of the film has no clue what the comments are saying, but fully appreciates the incredible popularity he enjoys. It should also be mentioned that, indeed, a large part of the Jewish pilgrims passed through Romania on the way to Uman, more precisely they landed in Bacău, Iași and Suceava with more than 100 charter flights , forced to find destinations as close as possible to Ukraine after the authorities of the Republic of Moldova did not give them permission to transit the country.
The Jews are everywhere
CONTEXT: Anti-Semitism experienced a strong revival with the outbreak of the conflict in Gaza, between Israel and Hamas , mobilizing extremists in numerous states, including Romania, a country with a well-known past of anti-Jewish militancy. One aspect of anti-Semitism is related to conspiracy theories that a Jewish cabal rules the world by controlling finances/politicians/states etc. Over time, people have spread myths demonizing the Jews, such as those claiming that they could turn into devils and other satanic beings, or accusations of ritually murdering Christian children for the purpose of making paschal unleavened bread with their blood. The most widespread accusation against the Jews, regarding their desire to establish absolute control over the rest of the population of the planet, appears in a text invented and spread by the secret police of the Tsarist Empire, the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion . Such theories led to persecution and mass murder against Jews that culminated in the Holocaust.
The current narrative aligns with the anti-Semitic current that claims that the Jews are pursuing world domination, a larger plan that includes actions such as banning Christianity and the cancelling freedom of expression , which will culminate in the creation of an artificial intelligence that will censor online communication.
PURPOSE: To weaken trust in state authorities, to promote an anti-Semitic and anti-Western discourse, to trigger social movements against the establishment.
This story was published as part of the project „Investigating the impact of disinformation targeting the Israel-Hamas war in the Black Sea region”, financed by the European Media and Information Fund (EMIF).
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