If it joins the EU, Moldova will be annexed by Romania and disappear, claims the Socialist deputy, Bogdan Tirdea, a promoter of pro-Kremlin propaganda.
NEWS: Moldovan deputy Bogdan Tirdea stated on his Telegram channel that the European integration of his country could lead to the liquidation of the republic.
According to the political scientist, in preparation for the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the EU, there’s been no focus on the modernization of the republic for a long time.
"It seems that the project to liquidate Moldova has already been launched. Basically, European integration has lost its former goals and the task of modernizing the country. Now it is turning into a mechanism for the liquidation of the state, something openly recognized by the leaders of the ruling party, who claim that we will reunite with Romania in the European Union", the deputy said.
Bogdan Tirdea recalled that Romania was among the first countries [actually it was the first n.ed] to recognize the independence of the Republic of Moldova in 1991. However, Bucharest has not yet concluded any agreement regarding the state border with Chişinău.
The parliamentarian believes that this is evidence that Romania does not consider the neighboring republic a state with equal rights. Bucharest considers the Republic of Moldova as part of its territory - Bessarabia. Tirdea reminded that the Moldovan authorities declared the Romanian language as the state language.
NARRATIVES: 1. The European integration of the Republic of Moldova will lead to its disappearance. 2. Romania has territorial claims and intends to annex Moldova.
LOCAL CONTEXT/ ETHOS: In June 2022, the Republic of Moldova was granted EU candidate status , and 18 months later the European Council also decided to open accession negotiations. On October 20, a referendum on the country's accession to the EU is to be organized in the Republic of Moldova. According to polls, approximately 60% of the population would support European integration.
However, the European path of the Republic of Moldova is being undermined from within by pro-Russian political forces, supported by the Kremlin, who advocate for a so-called "eastern vector" of development – which translates into getting closer to Russia. They are mainly political groups controlled by the fugitive oligarch Ilan Shor, but, even if less openly, it’s also the Socialist Party, led by the former pro-Moscow president, Igor Dodon.
In order to fuel the phobias of a part of society, especially the Russian-speaking ethnic minorities, the Kremlin propaganda promotes the narrative of the forced union (annexation) of the Republic of Moldova with Romania and reenacts a narrative promoted during the Soviet period about the existence of two distinct peoples – Romanian and Moldovan. The narrative is not new, and it was used even before the Republic of Moldova received the candidate country status to discredit right-wing, pro-European and unionist political parties.
The existence of two distinct peoples - Moldovans and Romanians, who speak two different languages, is a thesis strongly promoted by Soviet historiography. The USSR also created a so-called autonomous republic on the left bank of the Dniester , where Moldovanism was promoted, and prepared the re-annexation of today's territory of the Republic of Moldova. The former president of Moldova, the communist Vladimir Voronin, used to say that “the Moldovan language is the mother of the Romanian language” . He also demanded rights for the “Moldovan minority” in Romania and promoted an organization of Moldovans in Romania.
PURPOSE: To increase the number of Eurosceptics, by associating European integration with processes that are not supported by the majority of the population, particularly the union with Romania. To feed the phobias of a part of the population in view of the "risk of annexation" of the Republic of Moldova to Romania.
WHY THE NARRATIVES ARE FALSE: The process of joining the European Union is a complex one, entailing a series of transformations of the countries that want to become part of the European community. Obtaining a candidate status and opening negotiations are preliminary stages that also involve a series of reforms. The Republic of Moldova had to implement several reforms to get closer to the European Union, a process marked by the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU, the liberalization of the visa regime, the granting of candidate status and, more recently, the decision to launch negotiations. However, throughout the process of getting closer to the EU, Brussels supports Chisinau politically, financially and economically, so the accession process in itself is a gain for the country.
Currently, 27 states are part of the European Union, and each of them has preserved its statehood and independence, benefiting from wide freedoms and great benefits, such as free movement and free trade, but also rights in the decision-making process within the EU, including the right to veto.
Although there are talks in certain circles, both in Chisinau and in Bucharest, about a potential union of the Republic of Moldova with Romania, this topic has never been officially discussed between the political leaders of the two states. The Republic of Moldova is seen in Brussels as a sovereign and independent country, which in June 2022 obtained the status of candidate for accession. The European Union is one of the main international institutions that provide financial support to the Republic of Moldova, and Romania is among the ltop of donor states.
The narrative about unification (or "annexation", a term most often used by the Kremlin propaganda) is associated with one of the oldest Soviet anti-Romanian narratives about the "Romanian gendarme" (who would mistreat, torture and mock the local population), launched shortly after the union of Bessarabia with Romania in 1918.
The PAS deputies voted, indeed, in March 2023, legislative changes establishing that the official language in the Republic of Moldova is Romanian. However, it was only the enforcement of a decision of the Chisinau Constitutional Court from 2013, according to which the text of the Declaration of Independence, which establishes the Romanian language as the state language, prevails over the text of the Constitution (voted in 1994 by a center-left parliament) in which the state language is called "Moldovan".
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