Globalist elites want to halt food production in order to exterminate the population of the planet through famine, a conspiracy publication writes.
NEWS: In June 2024, the US joined 12 other nations that signed the World Economic Forum (WEF) treaty that seeks to create a global famine by destroying the agricultural industry. According to this treaty, which was drawn up by the WEF together with the UN, food production causes “global warming” and must be eliminated.
Globalists insist that, in order to “save the planet” from “climate change”, farms must be closed worldwide. The WEF agreement sets out which agricultural areas each country must give up in order to comply with its provisions. Under the pretense of reducing “methane emissions”, thirteen countries signed the agreement, pledging to manufacture a global famine by destroying agricultural production and closing farms.
According to the announcement made in March 2023 by the Global Methane Club, which belongs to the WEF – a cabal specializing in manufacturing crises, which exploits the panic of the population to destroy food production, the signatory countries are: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Czechia, Chile, Ecuador, Germany, Panama, Peru, Spain, the United States of America, Uruguay.
Imagine if Australia, Brazil and the USA stopped producing meat. This is what the globalists seek to achieve. And they admit it's all part of the fraud called “climate change” - a fraud exposed as a lie and a scientific hoax.
NARRATIVE: Under the pretense of saving the planet from climate change, the global cabal seeks to stop food production in order to exterminate the planet's population.
The initiative actually seeks to reduce methane gas emissions
WHY THE NARRATIVE IS FALSE: Contrary to the claims of Romanian conspiracy theorists, the Global Methane Hub (not Club) project is not associated with the World Economic Forum. In fact, GMH is a project of the Windward Fund, a non-profit organization that offers complete sponsorship services for environmental projects. Thus, by means of the Global Methane Hub initiative, the Fund implements worldwide strategies designed to reduce methane gas emissions. In cooperation with researchers, non-governmental organizations, local and national authorities, GMH pursues and establishes long-term, cost-effective solutions for mitigating methane emissions. Focusing on the energy, agriculture and waste management sectors, the project collects data and funds solutions that lead to significant change and sustainable impact. Thus, in May 2023, Ambassadors and Agriculture Ministers from 13 countries convened in Santiago de Chile for a conference. Talks tackled a series of measures based on scientific research, innovation and technology to ensure sustainable food production, by significantly reducing food waste, and implicitly increasing the conversion rate of unused food. At the end of the conference, participants released a statement explaining the future actions of the project, which focuses on optimizing public-private collaboration by increasing private investments, but also on an intense promotion of innovative solutions, the exchange of experience and knowledge at international level, taking into account, at the same time, elements of circular economy and just transition.
Attending the meeting in Chile, experts estimated that 60% of the total anthropogenic methane emissions at global level are caused by food production systems, mainly from three sources: animal husbandry, food waste and rice cultivation. By reducing these emissions, experts estimate that approximately 1.3 million fatalities from respiratory diseases could be avoided by 2050, although wheat, soybeans and rice harvests will also be significantly cut. Improving and increasing the efficiency of the food system could also reduce ammonia emissions, considerably reducing water and air pollution. At present, agriculture accounts for 70% of freshwater consumption. The report discusses a number of innovations, including more effective water management in rice cultivation, which could lead to significant quantitative reductions in global water use.
The report indeed speaks of “clearing” around 350 million hectares of farmland at global level by 2050, so it can be used for the cultivation of plants with increased capacities for capturing greenhouse gases and protecting the environment. Such goals will be achieved, however, by increasing productivity and reducing food waste, not by forcing the closure of animal farms, especially since, as the GMH itself admits, they require extensive land to provide food for the animals, land that at any rate is unsuitable for the cultivation of plant species capable of capturing greenhouse gases. In addition, when we talk about a change in diet, we refer to the diet of animals, especially ruminants, with a view to innovating and efficiently managing feed and additives. An appropriate feed for ruminants can increase productivity and reduce the amount of methane released by each animal, so experts recommend massive investment in research into these types of feed, based on high-quality proteins with low methane content. At the same time, the report also recommends extensive research in the fields of reproduction, animal health, their immunization and “manure” management.
The article references the blunder made by US vice-president Kamala Harris, who in a July speech mistakenly said “reduce population” instead of “reduce pollution”. It also employes the “forecasts” of the website deagel.com, which announced a decrease in the population of most countries over 2014-2015 and very severe reductions in the population of others – 65 million by 2025 in the United States of America, 48 million in Germany, etc. In October 2021, the website started publishing articles about military technology, while “predictions” about population reduction were removed. In fact, estimates state that, between 2008 and 2025, the population of the USA, Canada, Australia, and several other industrialized nations where immigration rates are relatively high will continue to grow —in the US by more than 40 million, in Canada by 4.5 million, and in Australia by over 3 million.
The Great Reset goes through the stomach
BACKGROUND: One of the most recent conspiracy theories with a significant public impact concerns the “Great Reset”, by means of which the “world government” allegedly seeks to establish a totalitarian regime on a global scale. The strategy was supposedly elaborated at the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, in January 2021, after a preliminary plan had been put into practice by triggering the COVID-19 pandemic. WEF is an international non-governmental organization lobbying for multinational companies, which argues that the world can be managed most effectively by a coalition of multinational corporations, governments and civil society organizations. The foundation also acts as a think tank, publishing a wide range of reports in different fields of activity such as finance, health, or environmental protection. As have shown above, however, the organization has nothing to do with the initiative of the 13 countries, as the article claims. Veridica has analyzed other similar in the past, showing that the World Health Organization did not call for the ban on animal husbandry, and that people will be able to buy food without digital passports, just as they will be able to choose whether or not to consume insect-based foods.
PURPOSE: To undermine societal trust in the authorities, to validate previously promoted conspiracy theories, to stir and amplify social unrest, to demonize the West.