The QR code on the green pass helps impose the so-called “social credit” system, whereby Romanians (and the rest of mankind) will be enslaved by the global cabal. The false narrative is promoted by anti-vaxx and Eurosceptic media and is linked to older conspiracy theories regarding documents with biometric data.
NEWS: “[…] Covid has become an unwanted trauma, which causes great anxiety to overcome, but which in the end provides people with a soothing sense of catharsis. Omicron is a walk in the park, it’s nothing but a simple cold. It doesn’t get down to your lungs, but stays up in the head. I think two doses of antivirals more than suffice. Honey and lemon tea and vitamins. Lots of rest. Light [….]
What are the benefits of getting listed on the Public Health Directorate’s records? Other than being able to enter shopping centers for six months and sunbathe in Greece?
- You raise the number of infections which the psychopaths use to maintain their reign of terror: masks, green pass, etc.
- In the case of children, classes are closed and moved online. Add to that the dreadful decision to make masks mandatory in class, which is disastrous to both children and teachers’ physical and psychological health.
- Accepting the QR CODE AS REFERENCE FOR SOCIAL NORMALCY. Basically, you stop being people and are turned into chess pieces that these lunatics move on the board towards their final goal: social credit, which will turn you into pathetic little slaves, just like in Asia.
So don’t let yourselves be dragged on a path that leads to the abyss of a perfect tyranny. (This also goes for those who like getting stung).”
NARRATIVES: 1. The QR code on the green passes attesting to vaccination or recovery from the disease is just one step closer to the social credit system. 2. COVID-19 statistics are published in order to stir public panic. 3. Anti-pandemic measures are aimed at terrorizing the population. 4. Surgical masks affect physical and mental health.
BACKGROUND: Ever since the start of the pandemic, Romania has been subjected to a virulent campaign targeting measures taken by the authorities to contain the spread of SARS-CoV-2, irrespective of their nature – lockdown, surgical masks, social distancing, granting access to certain venues only to people who provide proof of vaccination or who’ve had the disease. This campaign, which also revolves around the nature of COVID-19, its origin and virulence, also draws on a number of false narratives, most of them also being fueled by fake news spread by Russia and China, or promoted by the radical right-wing in the United States.
People who advocate or disseminate false narratives regarding SARS-CoV-2 are adepts of various conspiracy theories. They are people who focus on radical orthodoxy and support clergymen who have challenged anti-COVID measures (the most prominent of whom is the archbishop of Tomis, Teodosie), representatives of the Family Coalition, sovereigntists, people with Eurosceptic and anti-Western views, Protochronists or simply people who over the years have been propagating Russia’s messages to Romania or those narratives that been actively promoted by the Kremlin’s mouthpiece, Sputnik. Iulian Capsali, the author of the article published by activenews, is one of these people. From COVID-19 denial to intolerant rhetoric disguised as patriotic concern, Capsali is one the exponents of the anti-vaccination movement in Romania and an ardent promoter of conspiracy theories regarding this virus.
Although he has already had COVID-19 twice, Capsali continues to claim that this disease is a simple cold, although he publicly admitted he needed 13 days to recover the last time he had the disease.
Activenews is one of the publications that have taken a firm stance against official policies regarding COVID-19 and have been spreading false narratives about them. Many of these narratives are carry-overs of theories advocated by the American right-wing (at times these publications are merely translating and republishing certain articles).
PURPOSE: To erode public trust in the medical system and in the country’s political leaders. To combat anti-pandemic measures and promote conspiracy theories.
WHY THE NARRATIVES ARE FALSE: Conspiracy theories regarding the use of technology with a view to enslaving and monitoring the population have been around for quite some time. Long before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, Muslim extremists in Pakistan and Afghanistan were launching attacks against teams of medical professionals who are conducting vaccination campaigns (anti-polio vaccines, for instance), because they feared the vaccines would actually help the CIA track them. After some time, new conspiracies emerged revolving 5G technologies, which entail the insertion of computer chips into the human body. There have been other conspiracy theories (promoted also among Orthodox communities in countries like Romania, Russia, the Republic of Moldova, etc.) regarding biometric passports and identification documents, which claim these are the work of the Devil.
Conspiracy theories linked to the QR code are a distinct category of narratives that focus on technology and some of its elements. In Australia, for instance, one piece of fake news turned viral, claiming that such QR codes can actually be injected when administering the vaccine. Also in Australia, a series of false COVID check-in apps have been developed, also out of fear of letting the government handle your individual information; in fact, the authorities never introduced a system aimed at monitoring the population, but simply contact tracking apps (which other countries use as well) in order to be able to quickly track and isolate COVID-19 outbreaks.
Another conspiracy theory linked to the QR is that the code will be used to implement a social credit system typical to the one employed in China, who monitors the behavior of individuals and businesses; facilitating or hampering access to certain facilities, securing bank loans and even certain rights (like obtaining a passport and being able to travel) are likely to depend on this social credit. A similar conspiracy theory was launched, for instance, in Canada in 2021, whereby Canadian companies were notified that, in the event they plan on moving their operations to China, they also need to factor in the system of social credits used in this country.
The narrative promoted by Iulian Capsali merely takes over a number of elements from all the above-mentioned theories. Moreover, activenews has been publishing numerous articles regarding the alleged dangers of the QR code.
Such narratives are false, because the passes displaying the QR code are strictly used to combat the pandemic, even when the government uses the code to contact-track virus outbreaks. The social credit system is specific only to China, a communist dictatorship that tries to impose a harsh control over its own population. The possibility that this system should be extended to democratic societies is out of the question.
In Romania, the QR code on green passes attesting vaccination or recovery from the disease is merely designed to confirm the authenticity, validity and integrity of the green pass, helping to just read the data without recording them.
As regards the publication of statistics, this is also linked to institutional transparency, not some plan to cause a popular panic. The more information people get about the dangers of the coronavirus pandemic, the higher the chances they take the necessary measures to protect themselves. Providing the population with accurate information is key, considering the low vaccination rate, resistance to anti-pandemic measures and the virulent disinformation campaign. Nearly 60,000 Romanians have died to the COVID-19 virus, and approximately two million got infected with SARS-CoV-2. Some of these cases might have been prevented if the proper protection measures had been introduced. Suggesting that statistics should stop being published is an argument inviting censorship and even disinformation. Anti-pandemic measures are designed to protect people, not terrorize them, and are actually health policies, not repressive measures. Suspending classes after a certain number of cases are reported in school is another measure aimed at protecting children.
Finally, the false claims about the “the dangers of surgical masks” have been debunked on numerous occasions, ever since the start of the pandemic.
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