The European Union imposes censorship and the LGBT agenda, the representatives of the Bulgarian extremist party “Revival” told their like-minded colleagues from the Republic of Moldova.
A small group of people, with a hidden agenda, will decide what can be published online, according to a Romanian MEP, well-known for the conspiracy theories he promotes.
With the outbreak of war in Ukraine, the Kremlin has tightened its grip on information reaching the Russian public. The little independent press that still existed and was trying to provide information about what was really going on in Ukraine was practically silenced. Veridica flipped through independent media articles published just before total censorship was installed in Russia.
The former president of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Dodon, considers that he lost the presidential elections last autumn also due to Facebook, which allegedly deleted the likes he received and blocked the accounts of his party members. Ironically, the allegations were made in a video streamed on Facebook. Dodon thus joined a wave of attacks against these networks, launched in several countries, from Russia and EU member states to the United States.