Conservative circles in the United States are writing that the new Democratic President of the United States, Joe Biden, has allegedly signed an executive order that will promote homosexuality as a central element of US foreign policy and, moreover, "blacklists" will be drawn up of world religious leaders who oppose the LGBT phenomenon. It would also target American ultra-conservative organizations that have links with Romania.
NEWS: "Last week, President Biden signed an executive order that will promote homosexuality and transgenderism as a central element of US foreign policy, the Center for Family & Human Rights reports”, according to www.tribuna.us, taken over by Romanian Global News.
This new executive order is part of the reward for the gay elites who helped Joe Biden win the presidential election. In December, thirty wealthy leftist groups issued a list of demands, including the adoption of the Equality Act, which would force Christian shelters to accommodate men in the same rooms as women.Also, the LGBT groups have insisted on a global effort to combat what they call "anti-gender" groups around the world. This would also target American groups working abroad such as the Center for Family & Human Rights, the Alliance Defending Freedom, Concerned Women for America, the Heritage Foundation and other pro-life conservative groups.
It is important to know that sexual orientation and gender identity are not categories of non-discrimination recognized by international law.These phrases do not appear in any major legal treaty. They appear in non-binding documents, in particular in the UN documents in Geneva calling for the investigation of violence against homosexuals. UN bureaucrats and treaty monitoring bodies have said SOGI is a category of non-discrimination, but their comments are not binding or normative.The question is, will there be a blacklist of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim leaders who will be prevented from entering the United States? Will Biden force foreign governments to allow boys to compete in girls' sports events? How far will President Biden go to thank the gay elite for the money and votes in the presidential campaign?"NARRATIVES: 1. Joe Biden is politically subordinated to the leftist groups that helped him become president and now implements their pro-LGBT and anti-Christian and traditional family agenda 2. Those who oppose LBGT rights will be persecuted by the US state institutions, implicitly by American diplomacy that will draw up lists of those who oppose the LGBT phenomenon.BACKGROUND: The discourse against the LBGTQIA + community is found, in more or less pronounced forms, in a wide range of political groups, organizations and political entities, present in many countries, from the United States to Eastern Europe, which sometimes have more or less close ties, and other times just share certain ideas. Their followers include right-wing extremists, religious conservatives and ultra-conservatives, from Protestants and neo-Protestants to Catholics sharing the ideas of the Polish Law and Justice Party or the Hungarian FIDESZ, to Orthodox Russians, Serbs, Greeks or Romanians. One of the most harmful and widely used anti-LGBTQIA + narratives is that of an alleged conspiracy of this community, which would aim to destroy the family and promote homosexuality so that people do not multiply and become obedient to the "world occult" that will subjugate and depersonalize them for petty and mercantile purposes.Under the pretext of defending conservatism and the traditional family, intolerant themes about sexual minorities and hate speech against them and those who defend their rights are promoted.Conservative right-wing circles in the United States are very aggressively promoting ideas against the LGBT community. These are themes that are taken over by similar circles in Russia, subordinated to the Kremlin, and then turned against the "decadent West" which, they say, has lost its Christian and moral values in favor of ideas of the "occult".The strongest anti-LGBT or pro-life organizations have an international presence and are active in Romania as well. This is also the case of three of the four organizations mentioned in the news taken over by RGN. The Center for Family & Human Rights, Alliance Defending Freedom, Concerned Women for America, Heritage Foundation are pro-life conservative groups that work directly or have links with Romanian NGOs that share the same agenda. In fact, the text taken over by Tribuna and RGN was also published by the Coalition for Family.The Center for Family & Human Rights formerly existed as the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute. The latter is related to another similar NGO called Human Life International which has a branch in Romania. In 2017, Father Shenan Boquet, president of Human Life International (HLI), participated in the March for Life in Timisoara, which militates every year against abortion through pro-life activists. Such marches are organized all over the world by such conservative organizations.Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is an organization accused of close ties to the far-right movement in the United States and the neo-Nazi "white supremacists" in the United States. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) portal wrote that ADF International has collaborated closely in Romania with organizations gathered under the Coalition for Family. One of the co-founders of the coalition, Bogdan Stanciu, is the head of Pro Vita in Romania. Stanciu was also the administrator in Romania of Altermedia, a consortium of radio stations, newsletters and websites affiliated with David Duke, former leader of the Ku Klux Klan. The German site Altermedia was banned in that country for its neo-Nazi content; the Altermedia site in Romania contained similar content. Stanciu was also the head of the New Right, a far-right ultranationalist organization with anti-Semitic and anti-Roma views. In turn, the American conservative think-tank Heritage Foundation is very influential in American politics, fighting, among many other things, some related to US domestic and security policy, against abortion, and generally rejecting the scientific consensus on environmental change, seen as a theme intensely promoted by the left. On June 7, 2017, the Heritage Foundation invited President Klaus Iohannis, who was in the USA at the time, to give a speech in Washington about the US-Romania partnership.As for the conservative evangelical organization Concerned Women for America (CWA), it is one of the sponsors of the World Congress of Families (WCF), an event heavily infiltrated and used by Russia against the "decadent West." Balkan Insight has published an interview with Alexei Komov, the right-hand man of Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeev, which talks extensively about Russia's ties to the conservative movement in the United States. The Mother Jones publication wrote that the WCF "supported anti-gay policy in other parts of Eastern Europe - Serbia, Lithuania, Romania - but scored the greatest and most notable successes in Russia."OBJECTIVE: 1. To present the world's greatest power, the United States, as a leader of decadence. 2. President Joe Biden is just a puppet of the left-wing circles that brought him to power and to which he is indebted. 3. To display a negative image of the institutions of the American state, especially the US diplomacy around the worldWHY THE NARRATIVES ARE FALSE: The document referred to in the quoted source does not mention any punitive measures against world religious leaders who do not agree with the existence or promotion of the rights of the LGBT community.
The document issued by the Biden administration can be consulted HERE.
In fact, the ‘Memorandum on Advancing the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Persons Around the World’ reaffirms and complements the principles set out in the Presidential Memorandum of 6 December 2011 (International Initiatives to Advance the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Persons), launched by the Obama administration.
"All human beings should be treated with respect and dignity and should be able to live without fear, no matter who they are or whom they love. Around the globe, including here at home, brave lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI +) activists are fighting for equal protection under the law, freedom from violence, and recognition of their fundamental human rights”, the document reads.
The Centre for Family and Human Rights also claims, without providing any statistical or other kind of evidence, that: “Christians have been fired (from the US Department of State), and the annual report on religious persecution now includes attacks on Christians and Jews who defend the traditional family.”
GRAIN OF TRUTH: The document referred to was issued by the American diplomacy on February 5, 2021. Biden is a supporter of the rights of the LGBT community and in this document promotes respect for the rights and non-discrimination of this community in the diplomatic efforts of the American foreign policy apparatus.
THE NARRATIVES BENEFIT: The American Conservative Movement; the American far right; homophobic discourses and those who promote them; The Kremlin, as a "defender of the true faith", as it has been trying to promote itself for years, and so on.