People previously promoted by Sputnik, who in the past were accused of defending the interests of Russia and/or were associated with the anti-vaxx movement, launched a number of anti-Ukrainian disinformation narratives after war broke out. Cozmin Gușă, Diana Șoșoacă and Iosefina Pascal are among those who promote these disinformation themes, ranging from false justifications for the invasion (the existence of laboratories manufacturing biological weapons), to complete denial of an actual war.
Romania will have to renounce its Constitution and sovereignty, according to a new disinformation amplified by Senator Diana Șoșoacă and Sputnik. The source headlines a statement falsely attributed to the head of the European Commission’s Office in Romania.
Patriarch Daniel's urging Romanians to get vaccinated is the result of "secret deals" between him and the head of state, Klaus Iohannis, after the meeting they had in February. The fact that the Easter services were allowed this year would be the result of a trade-off between the Church and the Presidency, so that the ROC priests become promoters of vaccination.